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The Hero and the Monster
about Ulquiorra

Дата: 2011-10-13 15:54 Просмотров 1448
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Can you tell me the reason we fight?

Why my destiny wants me to die?

Why I tears and pain couldn`t hide?

And the stripes on my face couldn`t dry?

Despite I`ve never people trusted

and didn`t understand you till the end,

You`re the one whom I my heart entrusted

And soul, which was right in my hand.

I won`t return from ashes, will you cry?

Or, maybe, is it easy to forget?

Your dear friend, who`s standing nearby,

Remember - He have made me dead.

He`s greatly kind. I am conceited

He is a hero. I`m a villain.. in a word.

Who any meaning it the living sighted

And don`t accept ideas of the world.

A hero merits glory. Monster - oblivition.

I`m dying in this endless void.

Your crying eyes have showed me your confusion.

«Are you afraid?».You answered me:«I`m not».

If I no longer am your enemy and hater,

You may remember pallid silhouette.

And maybe someday - many years later

You toward Moonshield will extend your hand!

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