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Is it a snow?

Дата: 2009-07-18 15:26 Просмотров 1857
Рейтинг произведения 0,00
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let it grow, I know the purpose
it’s like a feeling in my corpus
it’s freaking cold,
just how I told
just creepy song
of being strong

is it a snow?
no, i think no,
it's a flow of the raw,
let the rhyhtm feel grow

Yes, I know, I know my destiny
To lead the singing necessities
Throw my walls
Throw darkness halls
Love leading melody
Like loving daddy

is it a snow?
no, i think no,
it's a flow of the raw,
let the rhyhtm feel grow

get out, you cold bitch
freaking pop and fucking rich
I know you’ll die
Not me, not I
But you, in snow
Get out of the show!

is it a snow?
no, i think no,
it's a flow of the raw,
let the rhyhtm feel grow
is it a snow?
no, i think no,
it's a flow of the raw,
let the rhyhtm feel grow

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