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А осень подарит осине нарядное красное платье

Дата: 2021-10-25 09:31 Просмотров 255
Рейтинг произведения 0,00
Одобряю Не одобряю

Чужие не вспомнятся лица,
наверное, это и лучше,
дождю надоевшие спицы
отдали лохматые тучи.

Осыпалась алая роза,
касания помнят ладони,
об августе память берёза
хранит в золотом медальоне.

За то, что любили красиво,
не медью кленовой заплатим,
а осень подарит осине
нарядное красное платье.

У дождика карма такая -
печалиться, в чём-то виниться...
и солнечным бликом мелькает
в ненастье у окон синица.

Валерий Мазманян

Отправить жалобу администрации

> 1 <

1.   Разместил Anya93mt   2025-02-06 00:33    

Hello team!
I came across a 93 interesting site that I think you should explore.
This tool is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find interesting.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!

2.   Разместил Anya93mt   2025-02-08 12:17    

Hello everyone!
I came across a 93 valuable page that I think you should visit.
This tool is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find valuable.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!

3.   Разместил Anya93mt   2025-02-08 13:27    

Hello .!
I came across a 93 valuable page that I think you should explore.
This resource is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find helpful.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!

4.   Разместил Anya99mt   2025-03-21 15:47    

Hello lads!
I came across a 99 valuable website that I think you should check out.
This resource is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!

5.   Разместил Anya99mt   2025-03-21 16:20    

Hello folks!
I came across a 99 interesting site that I think you should visit.
This platform is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find helpful.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!

> 1 <



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