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Smells like you

Дата: 2012-08-09 11:56 Просмотров 960
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all the same when I can't see
your eyes...
your smile...
All you leave
it's my world
that smells like you.

It's suffering -
to living memories.
No hope to see your face again..
Easier for someone who leaves,
Harder for someone who remains...

I like to watch our cinema.
I walk alone on this empty streets.
Everyone went to the funeral
But I still can not to believe..

This city smells like you!

No one wanted to die
we are
so young.
Heaven throws the dice.
we don't know
whose turn it is.

It's not fair! but we didn't set the rules!
I very miss you my friend...
Easier for someone who leaves,
Harder for someone who remains...

I like to watch our cinema.
I walk alone on this empty streets.
Everyone went to the funeral
But I still can not to believe..

This city smells like you!

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Автор : Ева

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