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Дата: 2009-02-20 13:01 Просмотров 1157
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Everything allright in my own mind
That's my way, that I can find
I go on my ship and it's my wind
Don't care about, everything will be allright

If I have some problems, it's my own fight
Thanks God, I can like that write
Everything im my mind, at that night
Our world like one big pride

You doing everything for be the best
Until by someone you will be the next
Only God can judge our steps
So now take it easy and take a rest

Hit the road, step by steps
Not important it's east or west
Just live your life haw you can
For ending at paradis, understand man?

Help to the people on your way
Not for "good man" for you sameone say
For stisfieting with you God in the end, pray
For paradis that will be for you every day

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Автор : JinGo

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